Tuktu - Technology that Powers Shared Experiences

If you like to be inspired, we highly recommend you follow our blog! Here we will share stories that warm your heart – and remind you of the beauty of community and connection that abounds in our world. And better still, we’ll invite you to share in those real-life experiences too! 

We love to be inspired, that’s why we developed a technology that powers meaningful shared experiences – for people young and old. 

So, first, here’s a little bit of our Tuktu origin story - how and why we do what we do.


Why We Created Tuktu – Meaningful, Shared Experiences 

What motivated our founder, Rustam Sengupta, to put his entrepreneurial energies into a platform for community connection? It was witnessing the effects of distance between families - particularly children and their aging parents. 

Rustam saw young people moving far away from loved ones to find greater personal opportunities and new experiences. He saw parents and older adults moving away from their families to find milder climates, new adventures, and the place they want to retire and live out their senior years.  

While mobility is wonderful, Rustam clearly saw the way distance created new challenges. 

Younger people missed out on quality time - the wisdom and stability of their older counterparts. Adult children felt guilt for not being there to ‘open a jar of pickles’ or help with simple chores and errands for their parents. They missed the satisfaction of offering the full breadth of love and support for their loved ones.  

Older family members often experience loneliness and isolation with distance from loved ones. They can also feel frustrated when they need a small favor - like a ride from a doctor’s appointment, or assistance with new technology - and too proud to ask for help even when a loved one lives just around the corner. Independent, healthy adults just want to keep living their lives without burdening family and friends. There are professional caregivers, but in many cases, their expertise is simply not necessary - especially for simple errands that really only require the assistance of a good neighbor. 

As the world - and people of all ages - collectively endured the forced distance of the pandemic – the value of community and togetherness has never been more apparent. 

And that is why we created Tuktu. 


What in the World is a Tuktu?

In the Inuktitut language of the Inuit people living in the arctic regions of Canada, “Tuktu” means Caribou, a species of deer that is a significant part of the local people’s culture and spiritual relationship with the land. Tuktu’s provide much for their community, they have been integral to the growth and development of the people. It’s in that spirit of connectedness that we came to choose the name Tuktu.  


How Does Tuktu Technology Work? A Neighborhood of Connection.

So, how does the Tuktu technology help bridge the gaps in distance between generations? It’s smart and simple. We use smart AI Technology and a ‘people first’ platform to connect those who need help - with capable neighbors who want to provide it. 

In the Tuktu environment, it all begins with a person and a need. 

Our consumers are typically independent older adults who do not have a strong support network where they live and need a little help from time to time. They may have children who live in another place, or they may have no children or family that they can rely on for basic needs. They may simply want to grow their network of neighbors who can help with errands and reserve loved ones’ time for quality time.  

Our providers are our neighbors. They are local people - of any age - who have skills, hobbies, and enjoy assisting others. Many Tuktus are older themselves and simply enjoy helping others. Tuktus come in all ages, shapes, sizes, and styles - just like the people you see in your community every day. 

Consumers and providers, and any user who engages on the Tuktu platform, will have a profile and a place to share more about themselves. Our profiles offer space to share personal stories, personal interests, professional interests, and the kinds of experiences and connections they are most looking to find within the community.  


What Does the New Tuktu Platform Provide?

The Tuktu platform emphasizes security, trust, and ease of use, employing an intelligent matchmaking algorithm to ensure a smooth, safe, and happy connection between people. And it continues to apply smart technology to continually improve its understanding of our users’ (both requesters and providers) needs and challenges.

  • In-depth profiles that identify skill sets, personality types, interests, and more
  • Affordable rates from capable community members who want to help
  • A wide array of services all provided in one place
  • Secure payment processing that accommodates payments from family members
  • Safe, secure, compassionate people from your own community - who are vetted to ensure their capabilities match their heart
  • Intelligent matchmaking for personalized connections based on interests and more.

And there is more to come!

Our Mission – A Community Connected  

Our mission at Tuktu.ca includes a commitment to the following goals:

  • To bridge the gaps of distance using technology
  • To encourage community and human connection
  • To help people in our communities remain independent as they age so that they can continue to do things they love in the place they wish to be
  • To harness the power of AI to make connecting with your community easier, safer, and more meaningful

It is our wish that this service will help us all to remember the deep purpose and meaning in everything we do for / and with others. To reinforce the value of community – enhanced by the promise of smart technology. 

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